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Popular Wines and Food Pairings

Thu, Jun 06, 24

The Art of Pairing Wines with Food: A Guide for Every Meal


Pairing wine with food can elevate a meal from good to unforgettable. But it doesn’t have to be intimidating! Whether you’re planning a dinner party or just a cozy night in, here’s a straightforward guide to help you find the perfect wine to complement your food.


 Start with the Basics

   Light wines go with light dishes; bold wines go with bold dishes. Think of a crisp Sauvignon Blanc with a fresh salad or a robust Cabernet Sauvignon with a hearty steak. Click below for our favorite sauvignon blancs with fresh salads or cabernets for hearty steaks!

Check out some of our favorite bottles of Cabernet Sauvignon to pair with Steak below: 
                                                                                                                                  **Consider the Sauce**:

Often, it’s the sauce or seasoning that drives the pairing more than the protein. A creamy Alfredo pairs wonderfully with an oaky Chardonnay, while a tangy tomato-based sauce sings with a Sangiovese such as, Chianti. Check out our selections for the perfect Chardonnays to go with cream based sauces and the perfect red wines to go with tomato based sauces! 

Check out these Sangiovese based wines below to go perfectly with your next red-sauce based meal.  Sangiovese in any of its forms: Chianti, Brunello, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano, Carmignano.  Sangiovese is a perfect pick for red sauce because the bright acidity, medium tannins, and underlying tomato leaf flavors mesh perfectly with the tanginess of tomato sauce, bringing out the best in both the wine and the sauce.

Check out the wines below the next time you are making a meal with a cream or butter based sauce such as;  pasta alfredo,  fish with beurre blanc, eggs benedict or any dish that has a cream or butter base! Butter & Cream are made for Chardonnay, it takes away any oakiness you might taste in the chardonnay and highlights the fruit character of the wine, making the two, a perfect pair!
**Fish and White Wine**:

 Light, flaky fish like sole or cod pair beautifully with a crisp Gruner Veltliner or Sancerre. The acidity in the wine complements the delicate flavors of the fish. We also love coastal whites from Spain with fish, especially shellfish, such as; Albarino or Txakoli the saltiness of these wines brings out the briny components of the shellfish, making them a memorable pair. Check out the wines below the next time you are thinking of making fish at home!

**Poultry and Game Pairings**

 Chicken and turkey can go either way, depending on preparation. A roast chicken with herbs pairs well with a medium-bodied Chardonnay or Pinot Noir, while a spicy chicken or grilled chicken dish might be better with a fruity Zinfandel. We love rabbit with Beaujolais.  Check out our wine selections below for different preparations. 

Simple Roast Chicken or Turkey with herbs go well with wines like Chardonnay & Pinot Noir.  Check out the selection below for wines that are sure to go well with your next Roast Chicken or Turkey Meal:
*Spicy Preperations*
Chicken that is made with more spice such as Korma, BBQ,  Fajita, would be better with a zinfandel .  Zinfandel pairs well with spicy foods because its fruit character and spicy bold backbone.  It has a compound called rotundone that gives it a cracked peppercorn-like quality.  Zinfandel's jammy flavors and tannins can also help cut through heat and bring out the subtle spices of your dish.  Think of Zinfandel for all your heavily spiced foods, not just chicken! Check out some perfect red zinfandels to drink with your next BBQ or spicy meal!
**Herbaceous Dishes**:

  Dishes with a lot of herbs like rosemary or thyme pair nicely with wines that have herbal notes! Consider how heavy the meat you are using herbs with is before choosing which wine to pair with. If you are roasting vegetables with herbs go for something lighter like sauvignon blanc.  If you are making a traditional rosemary lamb chop, go with something heartier like a red from the Rhone Valley such as; Chateauneuf du Pape, Cotes du Rhone, or a Northern Rhone Syrah such as Cote Rotie or Hermitage. If you are searing a Ribeye with herbs or a Roasted Pork consider going with a Cabernet Franc!

Check out these wines with herby lamb dishes:
Check out these wines to go with your next herbal beef or pork dish:
Check out these wines to go alongside a roasted vegetable and herb dish or a poultry or fish dish made with herbs: 
**Spicy Foods**

 For spicy cuisine, go for something with a bit of sweetness to balance the heat. Riesling is a great choice. For heartier spiced foods such as chili or bbq, try Red Zinfandel. The structure of both off-dry Riesling and Zinfandel make them perfect partners for spicier faire.  I love pairing Szechuan food with Reisling such as Kabinett or Spatlese.  Check out the selections below for great wines to pair with spicy foods. 

 Earthy dishes like mushroom risotto or truffle pasta are fantastic with Nebbiolo or its best expression, Barolo.  Try these wines below the next time you make a meal with mushrooms or truffles, trust us, YUM! 

Wines to go with Mushrooms and Truffles: 

Sweet and Dessert Pairings


 **Sweet with Sweet**:

  When it comes to desserts, pair sweet with sweet. A rich chocolate dessert pairs beautifully with a port or a sparkling gamay such as Bugey-Cerdon. For fruit-based desserts, try a Moscato d'Asti or a late-harvest Riesling.

Wines to pair with dessert: 

Experiment and Trust Your Palate


While these guidelines are a great starting point, the best pairings come from personal preference. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Sometimes, the most unexpected combinations can be the most delightful. Whatever your meal is, an educated team member here at the shop is always happy to provide a perfect wine pairing for every occasion! Stay tuned for Laura and John's weekly wine and food pairing emails *soon to become blog posts* where we will give you cheese & wine pairing suggestions and seasonal food& wine pairing suggestions.  Here's some final tips to chew on when deciding what wines to pair with your food.

1. **Temperature Matters**:

   Serve whites chilled but not too cold, and reds at room temperature or slightly cool. This helps the wines flavors shine.


2. **Don’t Overthink It**:

   The best wine for your meal is one you enjoy. If you love a particular wine, chances are you’ll enjoy it with your food.


Pairing wine with food is as much about joy as it is about the perfect match. So, grab a bottle, whip up a dish, and enjoy the journey of discovering flavors that complement each other beautifully. Cheers to delicious meals and even better memories! We can't wait to help you pick out the perfect wine to go with your meal in person at the shop! 

By Laura Maloney